- 215-475-2096
- sales@t-shirtbakery.com
- Mon - Fri: 8:30 - 5:00

Got Questions? Here's How It works

Q: Ok. So, what’s with the “Bakery?” Are you guys a Bakery, too?
A: Well, no. See, traditional screen printers use plastisol ink (there’s also water-based ink, but at present we’re not doing that) and plastisol ink has to be cured–or heated– to about 320 degrees after the garment is printed, to make it permanent. So the garments are run through a conveyor dryer to reach temperature, and then we’re good to go. Sorry–no donuts or birthday cakes here. 🙁
Q: Why do you have minimum quantities? I just need one simple shirt! arghh!?
A: In order to screen print a shirt, there are several steps and a lot of work to get it ready. There are art fees (if needed), screen fees (see below), materials, supplies, such as film positives, emulsion, ink, chemicals, etc. On a typical job, say for 24 or 48 shirts (or more), these fees and charges are divided up into the total price so that the price-per-garment is reasonable. If you print 1, or 2, or 4 shirts, all prep costs have to be included. Which results in a very, very expensive t-shirt for your needs.
We do occasionally print lower-then-minimum quantities, but with additional charges applied. If you’re really in a pinch, inquire and we can do our best to help you out.
Q: OK, so what’s a screen set-up fee?
A: Before we can print, a screen of your image has to be made. if there are more than one color, a screen is needed for each color. We have to charge a prep fee for this to cover costs of supplies, screens, etc. That’s why there are usually minimum quantities required for a screen printing job. So if a 1 color (1 screen) print job costs $20 to set-up, a 2 color job will cost $40 and so on. Once the screens are made, they can be stored and reused pretty much indefinitely.
So if you give us a multi-color design you want printed, we have to separate the art into individual colors, burn each color on a separate screen, set up the screens on the press, and then print a proof to make sure that all the screens are positioned correctly and ready to go.
Q: Do I get to keep the screen after I paid for it to be made?
A: No, what the set-up fees cover is the prepping the screen with your image, and the storage of that screen if you anticipate printing the job at some time in the future. In that case, a set-up fee of $10 per screen is charged on reorders for multiple color jobs. After one year of no use the screen is reclaimed.
Q: Wait a minute…Why does it cost more to print on dark color garments then light ones?
A: This is because the plastisol inks we use are pretty much transparent (not a problem on a light shirt) But in order to print on a dark garment, we have to print an “underbase” of white ink first, then the other colors are printed on top in order to make them bright and opaque. So basically, a second screen has to be made—and a 1-color print becomes a 2-color print.
Q: Awww man..all I have is my idea scratched on a piece of paper…can you guys help?
A: Absolutely! We offer full design services for your projects – at a very reasonable cost. We also offer full graphic design services for logos, brochures & collateral, stationery, signage, and more! Inquire for more info.
Q: Ok, so after we submit our deposit and get things rolling, what’s your turnaround time ?
A: Our usual turnaround time is 7-10 working days. If you need it sooner, there may be an extra rush charge. Call to discuss.
Call us today to get started!
or email us at: sales@t-shirtbakery.com